Be up to date with the latest tracking of all your shipments sent by Masistes. Input the tracking number and check the latest status!
We send all of the shipment via DHL.
1. Open your shipment Email that you received from us.
2. Copy the tracking number you received
3. Paste your code in DHL tracking page
You can track your package in one of the following websites:
You can also track your order via MASISTES website. To do that:
1. Open your shipment Email that you received from us.
2. Copy the tracking number you received
3.Go to MASISTES Tracking page:
4. Paste your code in "Tracking Number" tab and press the "Track" button.
You can also track your order via Shop App (Previously named as "Arrive").
1. Install the app
2. set up your account and be sure to set up "add order automatically".
3. your shipment will automatically transfer to the app when you get the shipment Email form us.